Wanderful is a podcast created and hosted by David Pearl, designed to bring a bit of wonder to your walking. Together we will explore everyday challenges in the company of an entertaining and refreshingly imperfectly-human guest. Then we will head off on a walk with that challenge in mind and share ways to get clarity, insight and answers to our life questions.
It’s inspiration on the go

Let’s Walk!
Inspired by David’s not-profit social movement Street Wisdom (that brings free guided in-person and online walking workshops to 74 countries and counting), Wanderful is a podcast that gets you up on your feet, and uses the power of walking to help you find fresh answers to your life questions.
Some of Our Wanderful Guests
A Wanderful Taster
Have a quick listen to our trailer to hear what Wanderful is all about.
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It’s time to bring a bit of wonder to your walking.
A Wanderful Book
Wanderful – Human navigation for a complex world is the book that inspired the podcast. It is designed to awaken your innate guidance systems and help you find your way through the noise.